This live masterclass takes you from a coding newbie to a JavaScript hero in 30 days. Learn all the essentials, build real projects, and land an internship. Catch up anytime with recordings. Don’t wait, level up your skills now! Join Now

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Our classes are exclusively conducted in Hindi, ensuring that you don’t have to struggle with complex concepts in English.
Upon finishing the course, you’ll receive a valuable certificate to showcase your achievement.
Every Saturday, you’ll have the opportunity to get your doubts resolved directly by our expert instructors, ensuring you don’t feel stuck.
Get access to quality education without breaking the bank for just  ₹399 – that’s only ₹14.25 per class!
All live sessions are recorded, allowing you to revisit and reinforce your learning at your convenience.
By joining our course, you stand a chance to win a stylish hoodie, adding a fun element to your learning journey.
Say goodbye to the frustration of sifting through countless YouTube tutorials; our structured curriculum ensures you learn efficiently from day one.
Engage in practical, real-life projects right from the start, enhancing your skills and preparing you for industry demands.
If you choose other platforms

Many other platforms teach primarily in English, potentially leaving you struggling to grasp concepts if it’s not your preferred language.

Without dedicated doubt-clearing sessions, you may find yourself stuck with unresolved queries, hindering your progress.
Courses on other platforms might come with a higher price tag, making it harder to access quality education without overspending.
Some platforms may not offer access to recordings of live sessions, limiting your ability to review and reinforce your learning.
You’ll miss out on additional perks like winning a hoodie or participating in real-life projects, diminishing the overall learning experience.
You might have to rely on piecemeal learning from various sources like YouTube tutorials, leading to a disjointed and less effective learning journey.
Without a structured curriculum, you may struggle to progress systematically, resulting in gaps in your understanding of core concepts.
Some platforms may not offer hands-on projects from the outset, depriving you of valuable real-world application opportunities.

What exactly we will learn & build?

Understanding the role of JavaScript in web development. 

1.Brief history and evolution of JavaScript.

2.Basic concepts and their significance in building dynamic websites.

Embedding JavaScript in HTML

1. Methods of including JavaScript in HTML documents.

2. Placement of <script> tags.

3. Inline vs. External scripts.

Variables and Data Types

1.Explanation of variables and their purpose.

2.Explanation of variables and their purpose.

3.Different data types in JavaScript: string, number, boolean, undefined, null.

Practical Exercise:👩‍💻

1.Write a simple JavaScript script that declares variables of different data types.

2.Embed the script in an HTML document and observed the output using browser developer tools.

Homework/Challenge🏡(Project-1) Greeting the User🌳

Create a small HTML page with embedded JavaScript that prompts the user for their name and displays a personalized greeting.

1. Introduction to the browser console.

2. Using console.log() for debugging and logging information.

3. Exploring other console methods ( console.error(), console.warn(), ).

Practical Exercise:-

1. Experiment with different console methods to log messages and variables.

2. Use the browser developer tools to inspect and debug JavaScript code.

3. Conditional Statements (if, else, switch)

4. Understanding conditional statements for decision-making

5. Syntax and usage of if, else if, and else

6. Introduction to the switch statement for multiple conditions.

Practical Exercise👩‍💻-

1. Write JavaScript code that utilizes conditional statements to check conditions and produce different outcomes.

2. Create a program that uses a switch statement for a simple menu selection.


Develop a JavaScript program that takes a user’s age as input and provides different messages based on whether they are a child, teenager, or adult.

1. Introduction to loops as a repetitive control structure.

2. Syntax and usage of `for` loops for definite iteration.

3. Syntax and usage of `while` loops for indefinite iteration.

4. Loop control statements (`break` and `continue`).

Practical Exercise:

1. Write a JavaScript program that uses a `for` loop to iterate through an array and perform specific actions on each element.

2. Implement a `while` loop to simulate a simple counting scenario.

Functions and Scopes:

1. Definition and importance of functions in JavaScript.

2. Function declaration vs. function expression.

3. Parameters and return statements.

4. Scope in JavaScript: global scope, local scope.

Practical Exercise:

1. Create a set of functions that perform different tasks (e.g., calculations, string manipulation).

2. Explore the concept of scope by declaring variables inside and outside functions.


Develop a JavaScript program that utilizes a loop to generate a pattern or series of numbers and a set of functions to manipulate and display the results.

1. Understanding function expressions as an alternative way to define functions.

2. Anonymous functions and named function expressions.

3. Utilizing function expressions in different scenarios.

Practical Exercise

1. Write a JavaScript program that uses function expressions to create callback functions.

2. Explore the use of anonymous functions in event listeners.

Working with Arrays:

1. Overview of arrays in JavaScript.

2. Common array methods (e.g., `push`, `pop`, `shift`, `unshift`, `splice`).

3. Iterating through arrays using loops and array methods (`forEach`, `map`).

Practical Exercise:

1. Create a program that manipulates an array using various array methods.

2. Implement a loop to iterate through an array and perform specific actions on each element.


Build a JavaScript application that involves user interaction to add, remove, and modify elements in an array using functions and array methods.

1. In-depth exploration of array methods in JavaScript.

2. Practical usage of methods like `filter`, `map`, `reduce`.

3. Understanding the concept of functional programming with arrays.

Practical Exercise:

1. Write a program that demonstrates the use of array methods to filter, map, and reduce an array of data.

2. Implement a use case where these methods are applied to transform and analyze data.

Introduction to Objects:

1. Introduction to objects as a fundamental data structure.

2. Creating objects with properties and methods.

3. Accessing and modifying object properties.

Practical Exercise:

1. Develop a program that uses objects to represent real-world entities and their characteristics.

2. Explore different ways to create and manipulate objects in JavaScript.


Build a small application that utilizes both arrays and objects. For example, create a data structure to manage a list of books with details such as title, author, and publication year. Use array methods to filter and manipulate the data and objects to represent individual books.

1. Introduction to JSON as a lightweight data interchange format.

2. Syntax and structure of JSON objects and arrays.

3. Converting JavaScript objects to JSON and vice versa.

Project 1: Number Guessing Game: Create a simple game where the computer generates a random number and the user has to guess it within a certain number of tries.

1. Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM) as a programming interface for web documents.

2. Overview of the DOM structure and its relationship with HTML and CSS.

3. The role of the DOM in dynamic web content.

Practical Exercise:

1. Write a simple HTML document with various elements.

2. Use JavaScript to explore and interact with the DOM in the browser console.

Selecting and Manipulating Elements:

1. Methods for selecting HTML elements in the DOM.

2. Modifying content, attributes, and styles of selected elements.

3. Creating and appending new elements to the DOM.

Practical Exercise:

1. Develop a program that dynamically manipulates the content and appearance of HTML elements using DOM methods.

2. Create a button that, when clicked, adds or removes elements from the DOM.


Build a webpage that incorporates DOM manipulation to respond to user interactions, such as clicking, hovering, or submitting a form.

1. Dynamically modifying the content and attributes of HTML elements using JavaScript.

2. Methods for changing text, HTML, attributes, and styles.

3. Updating the appearance of elements based on user interactions.

Practical Exercise:

Create a program that allows users to update the content and attributes of elements on a webpage.

Implement functionality to change the appearance of elements dynamically.

Introduction to Events:

1. Understanding events as user interactions or browser actions.

2. Common types of events (e.g., click, mouseover, submit).

3. Attaching event listeners to respond to user actions.

Practical Exercise:

Write a JavaScript program that utilizes event listeners to trigger actions in response to user events.

Explore different events and their use cases.


Develop a simple interactive webpage that combines changing HTML content, attributes, and event handling. For example, create a form validation system or an image gallery with interactive features.

1. In-depth exploration of event listeners and their role in handling user interactions.

2. Understanding the syntax and parameters of adding event listeners.

3. Use cases for various events (e.g., click, keydown, submit).

Practical Exercise:

1. Develop a JavaScript program that utilizes event listeners to respond to specific user actions.

2. Create a simple interactive webpage with buttons, forms, or images that trigger events.

Event Objects and Event Propagation:

1. Introduction to the event object and its properties.

2. Understanding event propagation (bubbling and capturing).

3. Managing multiple event listeners on nested elements.

Practical Exercise:

Enhance the previous program to use event objects to gather information about user interactions.

Explore event propagation by handling events on parent and child elements.


– Build an interactive component that involves more complex event handling, such as a draggable element, a responsive menu, or a real-time search feature.

Project 2: To-Do List: Build a basic to-do list application where users can add, edit, and remove items from their list.

Introduction to Asynchronous Programming and Callback Functions

Module 1: Understanding Asynchronous Programming

Objective: Gain the concepts and importance of asynchronous programming.

1.Overview of Asynchronous Programming

– Definition and significance in modern software development.

– Comparison with synchronous programming.

2. Use Cases and Benefits

– Real-world scenarios where asynchronous programming proves advantageous.

– Benefits such as improved performance and responsiveness.

Module 2: Callback Functions

Objective: learn the fundamentals of callback functions and their role in handling asynchronous tasks.

1. Introduction to Callback Functions

– Definition and purpose of callback functions.

– How callback functions facilitate asynchronous programming.

2. Creating and Implementing Callbacks

– Writing callback functions in JavaScript.

– Passing functions as arguments for effective asynchronous handling.

Practical Exercise 1:

1. Developing an Asynchronous Task with Callbacks

2. Create a JavaScript program that demonstrates asynchronous programming using callback functions.

3. Apply the concepts learned to manage asynchronous tasks efficiently.

Module 3: Event Objects and Event Propagation

Objective: Introduce event objects and understand the intricacies of event propagation.

1. Introduction to Event Objects

– Exploring the event object and its properties.

– Understanding how event objects enhance event handling.

2. Event Propagation

– Differentiating between event bubbling and capturing.

– Managing multiple event listeners on nested elements.

Practical Exercise 2:

1. Enhancing Asynchronous Task with Event Objects

2. Modify the previous program to incorporate event objects, enhancing the handling of asynchronous tasks.

3. Experiment with event propagation to efficiently manage events.


1. Real-world Application of Asynchronous Programming

2. Identify a real-world scenario where asynchronous programming can offer significant benefits.

3. Design and implement a solution using callback functions and event objects.

4. Present the application and its advantages to the class on the next session

Module 1: Promises

Objective: Understand the concept of promises for more structured and readable asynchronous code.

1. Introduction to Promises

1. Definition and purpose of promises.

2. How promises enhance the readability of asynchronous code.

2. Promise States and Lifecycle

1. Understanding the states of a promise: pending, fulfilled, and rejected.

2. The lifecycle of a promise and transitions between states.

3. Chaining Promises

Chaining multiple promises for sequential execution.

Handling errors in promise chains.

Module 2: Introduction to AJAX

Objective: Explore Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) for dynamic and asynchronous communication with web servers.

1. Overview of AJAX

1. Definition and historical context.

2. The role of AJAX in modern web development.

2. XMLHttpRequest Object

1. Introduction to the XMLHttpRequest object.

2. Making asynchronous requests using AJAX.

Practical Exercise 1:

1. Implementing Promises in Asynchronous Tasks

2. Enhance the previous day’s asynchronous task by replacing callback functions with promises.

3. Explore promise chaining to manage sequential operations.

Practical Exercise 2:

1. Basic AJAX Implementation

2. Create a simple webpage that uses AJAX to fetch data from a server asynchronously.

3. Display the retrieved data dynamically on the webpage.

Module 1: Fetch API for making HTTP requests

Objective: Learn about the modern Fetch API for simplified HTTP requests.

1. Introduction to Fetch API

1. Overview of the Fetch API and its advantages.

2. Comparison with the traditional XMLHttpRequest.

2. Making GET and POST Requests

3. Using Fetch to make asynchronous GET and POST requests.

4. Handling query parameters and request headers.

Module 2: Handling Responses and Promises

Objective: Explore how to handle responses from asynchronous requests using promises.

1. Response Object

1. Understanding the Response object returned by Fetch.

1. Extracting data from the response and handling errors.

2. Advanced Fetch Techniques

Sending JSON data in a request.

Handling different types of responses (JSON, text, etc.).

Practical Exercise 3:

1. Advanced Fetch Implementation

2. Modify the AJAX implementation from Day 12 to use the Fetch API.

3. Enhance the application to handle different types of responses and display them appropriately.


1. Building a Dynamic Content Loader

2. Design a web component that uses Fetch to dynamically load and display content from an external API.

3. Handle different response scenarios, including errors and loading states.

By the end of Day 13, participants should be proficient in using promises, understand the Fetch API for making asynchronous HTTP requests, and be capable of handling various response types in web development.

Project 3: Quote Generator


Create an application that displays a random quote from a database or API. You can add features like filtering quotes by category, author, or keyword.

Introduction to ES6 (let, const, arrow functions), Destructuring, Spread, and Rest

1. Welcome and Recap:

1. Brief review of the previous concepts.

2. Overview of the agenda for the day.

2. Introduction to ES6:

1. Explanation of `let` and `const` for variable declaration.

2. Quick examples of how they differ from traditional variable declarations.

3. Arrow Functions:

1. Concise explanation of arrow function syntax.

2. Highlighting the benefits and use cases.

1. Destructuring:

1. Explanation and demonstration of destructuring assignment.

2. Examples illustrating destructuring with objects and arrays.

2. Spread Operator:

1. A brief introduction to the spread operator.

2. Practical examples of spreading elements in arrays and objects.

3. Rest Parameter:

1. Quick overview and applications of the rest parameter.

2. Demonstrations of using rest parameters in functions.

Classes and Modules, Error Handling (try, catch, finally)

1. Recap and Introduction:

1. Brief recap of Day 15.

2. Introduction to the day’s topics: Classes and Modules.

2. Classes and Modules:

1. Explanation of class syntax in ES6.

2. Overview of module syntax for organizing code.

1. Error Handling:

1. Introduction to error handling in JavaScript.

2. Explanation of `try`, `catch`, and `finally` blocks.

2. Hands-On Practice:

1. Short coding exercise to apply error handling concepts.

1. Debugging Techniques

2. Best Practices and Code Quality

Introduction to JavaScript Frameworks (e.g., React)

Project 7: advance Snake Game:

Develop a classic snake game where the player controls a snake that eats food and grows longer.

Continuation of Snake Game

Finalizing Final Project

Code Review and Feedback

Final Project Presentation

Course Recap and Q&A

If we don’t finish everything in the 22 days, no worries! We’ll keep going to make sure everyone understands and learns everything well.

If we don’t finish everything in the 22 days, no worries! We’ll keep going to make sure everyone understands and learns everything well.

If we don’t finish everything in the 22 days, no worries! We’ll keep going to make sure everyone understands and learns everything well.

If we don’t finish everything in the 22 days, no worries! We’ll keep going to make sure everyone understands and learns everything well.

For any questions or clarifications, feel free to ask during our Q&A sessions, ensuring a supportive and interactive learning experience for everyone

Wrap up the workshop with your certificate in hand and join us for a chat about coding! 🚀💬

What exactly we will learn & build?

Suraj - Team

A very Cool JavaScript Instructor.

Suraj - Team

A very Cool JavaScript Instructor.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! This course is designed to cater to learners with no prior programming experience. We start with the fundamentals of JavaScript and gradually build your skills through step-by-step explanations, interactive exercises, and real-world examples. Whether you’re a complete novice or have some basic coding knowledge, this course will equip you with a solid foundation in JavaScript.

The course curriculum covers a wide range of essential JavaScript topics, including:


Programming basics: Variables, data types, operators, control flow

Web development fundamentals: HTML, CSS, DOM manipulation

Functions and object-oriented programming

Advanced concepts: Asynchronous programming, event handling, web APIs

Practical projects: Build interactive web applications to solidify your learning


We’ll be sure to provide a detailed syllabus so you can have a clear overview of what you’ll be learning.

Along with video lectures and live sessions, you’ll have access to various resources to enhance your learning journey:


Interactive coding exercises and quizzes

Downloadable course materials (code samples, slides, cheat sheets)

Additional learning resources (articles, tutorials, recommended websites)

An active community forum for Q&A and discussion

Engaging and interactive approach: We keep things interesting with practical exercises, real-world examples, and expert-led live sessions.

Supportive community: Connect with fellow learners and instructors in our active community forum. Ask questions, share your progress, and get the help you need.

Hands-on learning: Apply your knowledge through hands-on projects that build your skills and showcase your achievements.

Regular updates and support: We continuously update the course content and provide ongoing support to ensure you stay ahead of the curve.

Due to the nature of digital content and immediate access to valuable learning materials, we currently do not offer refunds for this course.


We encourage you to carefully review the course description, syllabus, and FAQ section before enrolling. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Yes, the course is entirely taught in Hindi! All video lectures, live sessions, and course materials will be delivered in Hindi for a comfortable and familiar learning experience.

Our friendly support team is here to help! Feel free to contact us at or by calling us at +91 9727898848 Phone Number. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and assist you with your enrollment.

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